
Gordana “Goga”

Our references

Filmography by Gordana Živković "Goga"

Miscellaneous Crew

2012 Missing (TV series) (production accountant:local) (filming)
2011 Lea i Darija (production accountant)
2010 Anton Chekhov's The Duel (production accountant)
2009 Zone of Separation (TV mini-series) (accountant:Bosnia-8 episodes)
2009 Masterwork (TV movie) (accountant:CRO/Croatia)
2007 Lov u Bosni (first assistant accountant)
2006 Kruistocht in spijkerbroek (production coordinator: Croatia)
2005 Duga mracna noc (TV series)(production accountant-2005)

IMDB Gordana Živković "Goga"
